New Year always brings lots of happiness and joy. Each one of us is excited in our own way to celebrate this day. We think there is something magical and special about new beginnings and starts. And with 2021 just about to arrive, it’s time to plan and make our New Years Resolutions.

New Year’s Resolutions is something which we resolve to change an undesired trait or behavior, some wish to accomplish a personal goal or some improvement in our lives. So think before you make a resolution for yourself. Think big and dream high so that you turn into your best version of yourself.
But our question for you is:
“If there is one thing you want to improve or start
doing, what is it?“
Well for us the answer is easy:
"Serve you better and make you life easier!"
This New coming year 2021, it's time for us to put your priorities first!
We would like to start our New Year with some new perspective and deliver to our clients the best, not just cleaning services but the best experience and make sure that we could free up your days even more, to give you back your precious time- undoubtedly the most valuable asset of us all!

We would love to hear from you and that’s why we created this very simple but really helpful >>> SATISFACTION SURVEY where you can tell us what is important for you when it comes to your home cleaning.
Please click on the picture below, to take this straight-forward (less than 1 minute survey) to let us know and while you're there, don't forget to check & follow us on Instagram.
Many thanks in advance!
Our survey is not just an online tool that helps us serve you better, but also a great way to gain insights into what you think, want and most importantly - what you need help with MOST.
And that’s not all from us!

We included extra bonus just for you!
We created Achievable New Year's Resolutions for healthier and happier living.
This year, fill your resolution list with easy, good-for-you goals. Try one of these simple lifestyle tweaks each day, and you'll not only jump start a healthier body and mind - you'll feel fantastic and so psyched to make 2021 a much better year than ever before. There are tips here that will calm you down and ease your stress, help your skin glow, and organize the crazy in your life - maybe you'll even pick up a daily planner to stay on track.
You'll find easy ways to squeeze a little more fitness into your busy days and sane strategies for de-cluttering. And if you are looking for ways to lose weight, we've got some surprising, fresh ideas that will help you get there.
Resolution #1 Read more books.
January is the perfect time of year to snuggle up with a new book. Keep yourself accountable to this New Year's resolution by opening a amazon audible account and find books which can inspire you or help you to achieve your goals.
Or just for fun.
We believe that reading book is always a good idea.
Fit more learning into your life, with one of the most effective ways to consume books content in the shortest time possible only with Blinkist- serving curious minds.
We personally recommend this specific book from their wide selection of non-fiction books to read or listen to.
By next year, you'll have a clear snapshot of how well you accomplished this goal.
Extra tip: If you are trying to save money we have other option for reading books or listening to audio books for free at >>>
Resolution #2 Join a club!
Starting a new hobby is one thing, but joining a club will help you meet new people in the process. Sites like Meetup can help you find a group of people with similar interests, and you can work on creating virtual meetups with new friends in the process, until we can freely begin meeting in person again... Or if you want to learn something new just sign up at SkillShare, where you can find your new hobby and for first 2 weeks it's absolutely free & here is my invite link for you >>>
Resolution #3 Go to bed without your phone & sleep well!
There is no good reason to sleep with your cell phone. Aside from the fact that it exponentially increases your chances of getting cancer (due to all of the radiation in it), the light on the screen can also throw off your circadian rhythm. It’s what affects your metabolism, your moods and even your appetite. In case you struggle sleeping you could try this 7 day mind balancing plan, in which Mark Williams teaches his mind balancing sleep method to experience increased energy, greater motivation and unlocking your brains true potential for greatness and through the power of sleep.
Resolution #4 Create a cleaning schedule
Keeping your home tidy without doing what feels like a deep clean every week can feel like a big ask. It's true that you may be under cleaning some tricky spots, but it's also true that you may be overdoing it elsewhere. We included printable checklist to make sure keeping the house neat doesn't suck up endless hours of time on weekends anymore.

If all these checklist tasks sound too much for you just from reading it, remember, we're always here to help you with all of the above and even more if necessary to make your life easier!
Resolution #5 Take more walks
Even if you can't keep track of a new fitness routine, keeping yourself moving on a simple walk around the neighborhood is a must.The Department of Health and Human Services maintains that adults should spend as much time moving each day as possible — and some physical activity (even just walking!) is better than none.
Did you know that there is a plenty of free workouts on YouTube, which by the way is our preferred source of choice. We have our workout routine set and this is one of our favorite workouts so feel free to check it out and have fun :)
Resolution #6 Drink plenty of water
By drinking enough water you will be:
flushing out waste from your body
regulating body temperature
helping your brain function
So drink, drink and again drink, but try water more than anything else (Lol)
Last words:
Here’s a toast from us to the future, a toast to the past, a toast to our loved ones and to all the amazing people we met this year.
We can’t express how much you mean to us. Have a fabulous year ahead lovely people❣️
Now that you have figured out your New Year’s resolution! It’s Time to start planning your NYE party or outing!
