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  • Can you give us a quote/estimate based on size and requirements?
    Yes we sure can! The more details you can provide us with the better we can determine the time required, and so price will reflect accordingly.
  • Do you charge hourly or per job/size?
    Typically we charge hourly and rates depend on the cleaning required, size and number of staff requested.
  • What's the minimum we can book you for?
    You can book us for a minimum of 2hrs for basic and general cleaning or 3hrs for deep and post renovation cleaning.
  • Do I need to have my own cleaning products or do you bring yours?
    However we can provide you with all necessary cleaning supplies and equipment of our own, we highly recommend you to have at least your own vacuum cleaner, mop+bucket and cleaning clothes for hygienic/sanitary & bacteria spreading reasons.
  • What cleanings do you offer?
    We offer various types of cleaning such as 1. Basic/Essential 2. General 3. Move in/out 4. Deep 5. Post Renovation 6. Extras (windows, inside oven, cabinets etc.)
  • How long in advance do I need to book your services?
    To avoid disappointment with us not being able to schedule your cleaning, we recommend you to email or give us a call at least 2-3 days prior to day of your cleaning. The sooner we know the better we can accomodate all your needs.
  • Do you charge for cancellation of our booked cleaning?
    We won't charge you as long as you let us know at least 24hrs before your scheduled cleaning. Failing to do so, you'll be subject to $30 'no show' cancellation fee.
  • Do we need to be there while you're cleaning my home/office?
    Of course you don't need to be there. As long as you feel comfortable leaving us by ourselves, we are absolutely fine with it. It's entirely up to you and we really don't mind either way. At the end of the day, it's all about trust.
  • Do you have a team of people or just the same one person comes every time?
    Yes, we are a team of six and again, number of people cleaning depends on size of the job, your personal preference or availability of our staff for a given day. If you like a specific member more than the other, we will do our best to accomodate you with the one of your choice. If book well in advance we can provide you with up to 4 members of our amazing team as neccessary.
  • Do you offer any additional services or saving packages?
    Appart from regular cleaning we also offer dog walking/sitting for you best buddy. For our loyal clients we offer great membership plans to show you our appreciation for being so amazing. All you need to do is joining our Six Stars Club, become a member and start saving with us. There are 4 plans to choose from that best suits your needs- Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Enquire about these plans or sign up on our Book Online page for more details.
  • What is the difference between Spring and Deep cleaning ?
    The main difference between Spring and Deep cleaning is that: Spring cleaning is overall freshen up of your entire home, whereas Deep cleaning si much more detailed/focused on specific areas of your home, such as the Kitchen or Bathroom. (what you choose) Also deep cleaning is more time consuming and requires more scrubbing therefore higher cost reflect that. Both of these cleanings can be customised to your specific needs.
  • How long does it take to clean my home?
    Each home is unique so there are range of factors that impact cleaning times.We can provide ourcustomers with the estimated quote,which is not final, once we know all the important factors. These factors includes the size of the home, number of rooms, condition of the home, frequency of the cleaning and the number of people and pets living in the home. Also what kind of cleaning you are looking for (deep or general)? If you are planning to book our services, please include these information, that way we can serve you better and our quote will be more accurate.
  • Do You wear masks?
    Yes, of course we do wear masks for everyone's health and safety when required, but also social distancing should be maintained whenever possible. Ideally we recommend either stay on different floor in the house or in the different room when in small apartment.
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Spend your precious time doing things you love!

    Toronto, ON

© Established in 2015

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